Meet The Real Teacher, Who Envisioned 'Teacher Wellness Time'

Lorraine Healy, OCT, is a real teacher, now in her twenty - eighth year as a licensed member with the 'Ontario College Of Teachers'.  She recently marked the notable milestone of twenty - five consecutive years of dedicated teaching service (From September 1st, 1998 - September 1st, 2023), with the 'Peel District School Board Of Ontario', one of Canada's largest publicly - funded school districts.

Lorraine is a 'Double Alumna' of the University Of Toronto, having completed an ‘Honours Bachelor Of Arts’, majoring in 'English Literature' and 'Sociology' from 1990 - 1994 within St. Michael's College.

She then went on to complete her Graduate degree in Education, at the renowned 'Dr. Eric Jackman Institute Of Child Study', located within the Faculty Of Education at the University Of Toronto from 1994 - 1996.

( Now considered part of the Ontario Institute For Studies In Education - 'O.I.S.E.' ). This superlative ‘Two Year Teacher Education Program’ is now considered equivalent to a 'Master Of Arts in Child Study And Education'.

Created By A Real Teacher, Especially For You -
The Busy, Modern Educator!

Ms. Healy, OCT has taught for twenty - eight consecutive years within both public and private schools.  As a veteran elementary school teacher,

she understands first hand the challenges and complexities of the modern learning environment. Not only has Lorraine instructed students within mainstream classrooms, but she has also taught 'Special Education' pupils, 'English Language Learners', as well as facilitating a multitude of literacy, numeracy and parent workshops for families within the 'P.D.S.B'.

A highly experienced grade level team leader, Lorraine Healy has also mentored countless colleagues over the years, especially assisting those who are new members to the teaching profession adapt and thrive. She recently transitioned from 'In Person' teaching, to a hybrid model of both 'Virtual' and 'In Person' instruction. Ms. L. Healy, OCT also cultivates a daily mindfulness practice, so as to ensure both her personal and professional success.

As Lorraine Healy, OCT has a passion for helping other educators,

she is the founder and owner of 'Teacher Wellness Time',

a dynamic online business devoted to enhancing the well - being of educators,

of all ages and at all stages of their professional careers.

Teacher Wellness Time - It’s Time For Teacher Wellness!

"Mindfulness Moments For Teachers" 'Digital Relaxation Products' Are Unique...

"Mindfulness Moments For Teachers" is a collection of unique 'Digital Relaxation Products’,  which Lorraine has created, copyrighted, developed and recorded. As she observed first hand the high levels of stress and anxiety her teaching colleagues experienced, both during and following the 'COVID - 19' global pandemic, Lorraine decided to make a meaningful difference.

The twenty different "Mindfulness Moments For Teachers" audio recording files, are based upon the 'real world' teaching experiences and actual 'moments' Ms. Healy has observed and encountered over the past

twenty - eight consecutive years of exemplary educational service.

'Teacher Wellness Time' now invites you to visit ‘Your Oasis Of Well - Being During A Busy School Day!’

After all, you give so much to others, you deserve to take some time

just for yourself, amidst the often hectic teaching day...

Simply stop to breathe, smile and relax, listen to inspiring words, then continue with a renewed sense of commitment and well - being!

Teacher Wellness Time Logo

 Your Oasis Of Well-Being During A Busy School Day!